Research articleskku@kulturprinsen.dk2024-07-01T15:39:41+02:00

Research articles and publications

On this page, you can view and read the research articles and other publications that have been written in connection with PlayArt.

The site is updated regularly as publications are released.

Den gode pædagog – om pædagogens professionsdannelse

Authors: Lars Geer Hammershøj and Morten Henriksen

Dato: maj 2024

Type: book

Publisher: Samfundslitteratur

Bogen forsøger at give svar på, hvad det vil sige at forholde sig professionelt som pædagog. Dette gøres ved at give et bud på de fire dimensioner af pædagogens professionsdannelse. Disse dimensioner udvikles gennem konkrete eksempler og cases fra LegeKunst, hvor børn og voksne deltog sammen i kunstneriske legeaktiviteter.

Bogen henvender sig til alle, der er nysgerrige på, hvad det vil sige at være en god pædagog og savner begreber til at reflektere over egen pædagogisk praksis.

Seven embroidered threads between works of art and art pedagogy

Forfatter: Hanne Kusk

Dato: december 2023

Type: research article

Publisher: APRIA

Denne artikel er baseret på et gående interview gennem et kunstmuseum med kunstnerne Pia Skogberg og Mette Hegnhøj. Her diskuteres deres “kunstværk”, dvs. værket, selve de processer, kunstnerne gennemgår, og sammenhængen mellem dette og deres kunstpædagogiske arbejde i projektet LegeKunst.

Artiklen præsenterer på baggrund af dette syv forslag til en verdenscentreret og procesorienteret kunstpædagogik.

Afsluttende rapport fra forskergruppen (2019-2023): LegeKunst i VIA UC

Forfattere: Astrid Kidde Larsen Nørgaard, Henriette Blomgren, Lise My Adamsen, Michael Friedrich Walter Blume

Dato: september 2023

Type: research report

Publisher: VIA University College

Denne afsluttende afrapportering opsummerer, kortlægger og formidler VIA University Colleges bidrag til forskningen i det nationale projekt LegeKunst (2019-2023). Projekterne, som I kan læse om i denne rapport, er skabt løbende over de 4 år i projektperioden. Afrapporteringen henvender sig til aktører, partnere og interessenter i LegeKunst og har til formål at formidle et overblik over temaer, metoder, fund og refleksioner i VIA’s forskningsprojekter.

Fortællinger i bevægelse – HulaHop-Portaler

Authors: Merete Cornét Sørensen og Thomas Thorsen

Dato: september 2023

Type: research report

Publisher: Absalon University of Applied Sciences

Aesthetic encounters and agency in ECEC: Materiality, intra-action, and sensitive entanglements

Forfatter: Henriette Blomgren

Dato: juni 2023

Type: research article

Publisher: Journal of Pedagogy vol. 14, 2023

Formålet med artiklen er at analysere æstetiske møder i danske daginstitutioner og skabe viden om og et sprog for æstetik som følsomme møder og levende anliggender mellem mennesker og verden.

Evaluation report

Authors: Louise Ejgod Hansen and Christiane Særkjær

Date: May 2023

Type: Report

Publisher: Center for Kulturevaluering

Center for Kulturevaluering har med denne evaluering haft til formål at undersøge betydningen af LegeKunst forløbene ude i dagtilbuddene med henblik på at afdække de forandringsprocesser, LegeKunst har igangsat – både hos det pædagogiske personale og børnene. Evalueringen fokuserer på dagtilbuddene og er baseret på de praksisfortællinger, der dokumenterer LegeKunst forløbene.

LegeKunst - themed issue of BUKS

Editors: Hjørdis Brandrup Kortbek, Merete Cornét Sørensen and Lars Geer Hammershøj

Date: May 2023

Type: Journal

Publisher: BUKS - journal for child and youth culture, no. 67 2023

The thematic issue contains seven peer-reviewed research articles and five dissemination articles. The articles theorize, investigate and analyze the relationship between play, education, art, culture, co-creation and aesthetic processes based on the national research and development project LegeKunst.

The articles are aimed broadly at cultural mediators, teachers and educators who are curious about how to bring art and culture into everyday life in a playful way. The articles are also aimed at teachers at the country's university colleges who teach educators and student teachers in art, culture, aesthetic processes and play. Finally, the articles are aimed at researchers in the fields and anyone interested in the latest research knowledge and experiences of children's encounters with art and culture in the Nordic region.

Follow the red ribbon
- when nursery children experience aesthetic experiences on the 'journey'

By Henriette Blomgren

Date: May 2023

Type: research article

Publisher: DRAMA - Nordisk dramapedagogisk tidsskrift, vol. 60 iss. 3

This article focuses on the aesthetic experiences of young children as they are made and revealed on a journey created and staged by a dramaturge. The journey takes place in a forest belonging to a Danish daycare center. The red ribbon sets the journey and leads children, educators and dramaturge to stations where something is planned and will happen.


How can exploratory aesthetic practices be understood and framed in early childhood education and care?

By Jo Juncker Harsløf

Date: May 2023

Type: research article

The article is divided into 4 sections; SNIP, SNAP, SNUDE and UDE - inspired by the names in the LegeKunst process manual. SNIP - wonder, SNAP - empirical data, SNUDE - analysis and UDE - the participants' co-created knowledge that comes out to go in the Danish day care centers. The article's analysis is based on practical situations from a museum professional course, with the cultural educator at the Copenhagen Museum Cecilie Borgund Hansen and a group of preschool children and their two educators from the daycare center Krummerne, Nørrebro.

Legens paradokser og genkomst

Forfatter: Lars Geer Hammershøj

Dato: februar 2023

Type: Artikel i bog

Publisher: Akademisk Forlag

Artiklen er en del af bogen “Leg på Spil – i pædagogik og uddannelse” redigeret af Jens Erik Kristensen & Hanne Knudsen & Johan Bundgaard Nielsen.

Arts and culture promote play and education

By Lars Geer Hammershøj

Date : December 2022

Type: Comment

Publisher: Asterisk, no.103

It is important that children encounter art and culture in day care, because it not only gives them good experiences, but also promotes their play and education. This is the argument of Lars Geer Hammershøj, Associate Professor at Aarhus University. A new research project suggests that children in day-care centres should meet artists and cultural mediators, and that aesthetic and creative subjects should be given a central place in teacher training. (Text from Asterisk)

Play art - Play, education, art and culture in day care

By Lars Geer Hammershøj (ed.)

Date : November 2022

Type: book

Publisher: Samfundslitteratur

Promoting children's play and education is a key task for educators in day-care centres. But how do we go about it, and how do we create learning environments that support these processes?

This book explores how children's encounters with art and culture can promote play and education. What art and play have in common is that they are both activities in which children and adults explore the world and relate openly to the situation. The book explores how play and art concretely open up the world and communities, creating opportunities for children to have formative experiences.

Play art is therefore both a concept for the art of promoting play and for inviting art and culture into the day care centre in a way that promotes children's education.

The first part of this book introduces the concepts of play, education, art and culture and offers a view on the role of the educator in play. The second part of the book examines seven concrete examples of programmes in which children encounter art and culture, based on research projects in the LegeKunst project. (Text from Samfundslitteratur)

Educators and artists in creative communities

By Felicia Bech Lillelund and Sandy Elbæk

Date : November 2022

Type: Educational article

Publisher: BUKS - tidsskrift for børne- og ungdomskultur, nr. 65

The article highlights some of the potentials and challenges that can be associated with educators' and artists' establishment of creative communities in nurseries and kindergartens. Through concrete examples, the article points out how educators and artists bring different perspectives into play, but also how both professions mutually bend towards each other and are influenced by each other's approaches. The article points to this as a strength and as a prerequisite for artists and educators to tread unknown paths together and thus strengthen children's encounter with art and culture in daycare.

Creative meetings in LegeKunst

By Tove Katborg Laursen, Mette Nyrup Stilling and Jacob Bech Sillesen, Copenhagen University of Applied Sciences.

Date : November 2022

Type: research article

In the following three articles we include selected experiences, lessons learned and reflections from each of our participation in Project PlayArt. We are three lecturers and teachers at the teacher training college who have followed each other in our respective PlayArt programmes. Along the way we have discussed and reflected on what PlayArt can contribute in relation to educational institutions and art and cultural institutions.

Each text is written and can be read individually. However, all three of us have written ourselves into the Copenhagen University of Applied Sciences' field of study: the educator's role in children's encounter with art and culture.

To relate professionally: the pedagogue's professional development as an exemplary case

By Lars Geer Hammershøj and Morten Henriksen

Date : September 2022

Type: research article

Publisher: Tidsskrift for professionsstudier, Vol. 2022, No. 34, p. 14-25

Meeting art - the art of meeting

Authored by Bodil Ørberg, edited by Merete Cornét Sørensen

Year: 2022

Type: research report

Publisher: Absalon University of Applied Sciences

Play attitude and moods of play: A design-based inquiry into the affective nature and importance of play

By Lars Geer Hammershøj

Year: 2022

Type: research article

Publisher: The International Journal of Play

The purpose of this article is to clarify the relationship between the affective nature of play and the importance of play for being and becoming human. The inquiry focuses on the relationship between the affective processes of play, creativity and the formation of character, also referred to as Bildung. 


Clay is a fish when LegeKunst leaves its mark in the nursery

By Hjørdis Brandrup Kortbek

Date: October 2022

Type: Educational article

Coordinator and researcher in PlayArt in Region South, Hjørdis Brandrup Kortbek has visited Norddalsparkens nursery to see how PlayArt is expressed here. The article describes the co-creation in a LegeKunst course, both in the children's play with clay and natural materials, and the educators' and artists' joint reflections.

Art pedagogy with maybe-universes

By Hanne Kusk

Date: August 2022

Type: research article

Publisher: BUKS - Journal of Child and Youth Culture, no. 66 2022

This article is based on an art education programme in a kindergarten, which is analysed and discussed in relation to the concepts of openness and worldliness, participation and interactivity, intraactivity and sympoiesis. It examines what propositions (actions or invitations) are used to reinforce the powerful tension between art and pedagogy.

Play art - Aesthetic practice and the reinforced pedagogical curriculum

By Merete Cornét Sørensen, Thomas Thorsen, Martin Hoffmann and Vibeke Frost Laursen

Date: June 2022

Type: Report

Publisher: University of Applied Sciences Absalon

Excerpt from the introduction of report: From the University of Applied Sciences Absalon, we as a research group (with four researchers) have participated in the process as co-actors, observers and sparring partners. Through co-creative processes, observations and qualitative interviews, we have investigated how an art pedagogical Play Art programme can contribute to fulfilling the basic thinking of the reinforced pedagogical curriculum, and how aesthetic and artistic practices can contribute to children's well-being, learning, development and education. report)

Education through play, humour and imagination

By Lars Geer Hammershøj

Date: 2022

Type: article in journal KvaN 122 - Imagination and play

Publisher: KvaN

About the publication: there is a fundamental difference between children's culture and school culture. Attempts to reconcile the two cultures are nevertheless part of both educational theory and practice. Children's imagination is something that can be limited or encouraged - by society, play and teaching. The fundamental question is how to foster children's desire and motivation to learn, their ability to come up with ideas and think in alternatives. In this theme issue, the concept of imagination is linked to aesthetics, professionalism, participation - and not least: to the playful element in children's development and learning. The articles describe how the concepts of imagination and play can be understood, separately and together - and they explore what it can mean when both are thought of as central parts of teaching in schools. Children's imaginative and democratic development is closely linked to opportunities to participate in an imaginative and playful learning environment. KvaN)


When musical communities leaves traces in the pedagogical everyday life in daycare

By Thomas Thorsen

Date: December 2021

Type: research article

Publisher: Danish Musicology Online

This article explores how singing and music activities can be a community-building force in the everyday lives of kindergarten children. The empirical evidence in the article is drawn from the national research and development project PlayArt, which explores how art, culture and aesthetic processes can leave their mark on children and adults in institutions. In PlayArt, music is one of several artistic languages that are brought into play in everyday institutional life, and this article highlights the role of song and music when working inter-aesthetically in pedagogical practice.

When children's encounter with art becomes part of democratic education

By Lotte Plesner Kristensen and Daniel Buch

Date: December 2021

Type: Educational article

Publisher: Educational Extract

Play and art - time 'got lost' in the woods

By Thomas Thorsen

Date: December 2021

Type: Educational article

Publisher: Magazine 0-14

The article is based on a LegeKunst programme at Svend Gønge kindergarten, and gives an insight into how a programme is organised and experienced. LegeKunst offers both children and adults opportunities for free space with room for flow and contemplation, and in this programme nature has also added an extra dimension to the co-creation.

Legacy review report

By Martin Hoffmann, Merete Sørensen, Thomas Thorsen

Date: June 2021

Type: literature review

Creativity in children as play and humour: Indicators of affective processes of play

By Lars Geer Hammershøj

Date: March 2021

Type: research article

The music, the child and the community

By Mikkel Snorre Wilms Boysen, Thomas Thorsen and Frederik Kjær Zeuthen

Date: January 2021

Type: chapter in book Themes and activities in day care by Christian Aabro (ed.)

Publisher: Hans Reitzel Publishers

About the book: How do you work towards the goals you set, under the conditions you have, with the children present? This requires both a professional understanding of key pedagogical concepts, themes and objectives and the ability to plan pedagogical activities around them. This book offers just that: The professional insight and this insight translated into methods that you can use to plan educational activities that are initiated and motivated by either the educator, the community or the individual child. The planning of pedagogical activities thus places the educator either in front of, next to or behind the child. This allows for a variety of activities on the different subject concepts of the book.

Themes and activities in day care thus enable you to plan pedagogical activities by putting pedagogy into play in different ways.

The book is intended for students of pedagogy who are studying the specialisation of day care pedagogy. Hans Reitzel Publishers)

Creativity as humour and education

By Lars Geer Hammershøj

Date: 2020

Type: Article in the book A more creative school

Publisher: KvaN

About the book: A More Creative School is a textbook and an inspirational book about what creativity is and how to make teaching more creative.

The book consists of 14 articles and seven short texts. The articles are all about creativity in theory and practice. They are divided into three main sections, each with its own basic question, the first focusing on 'why': why focus on creativity? The second on the 'what': what is creativity and can creativity be taught? And the third with an emphasis on 'how': examples of working creatively in schools.

The book is aimed at anyone who would like to work for a more creative school and for more creative pupils. (Text from KvaN)

The art of creating education full of meaning and dialogue - a study of education in and with art and aesthetics

By Lise My Engrob Adamsen, Astrid Kidde Larsen Nørgaard, Michael Nygaard Sander

Date: 21.9.2019

Type: research article

Publisher: Danish Pedagogical Journal

Focusing on students' experiences in co-created educational processes, this article provides insights into how teaching and experiences in and with art and aesthetics can contribute to meaningful (educational) formation. Empirical evidence from 2 qualitative studies from the children's culture project PlayArt is the starting point for the analysis, which shows that co-created education can facilitate students' experience of meaningfulness in education when experienced professionals engage with them in dialogue about aesthetics, art and didactic processes.

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