Podcasts in LegeKunst
Learn about play, education, art and culture in children's everyday lives in a series of inspiring podcasts. Involved actors share their perspectives and experiences with PlayArt. NOTE: The podcast is in Danish.

”Kan det leges?” – om at inddrage de alleryngste i klassisk kunst
Bliv inspireret til hvordan kunst og leg kan bringes i spil mellem kulturinstitution og dagtilbud, og hør hvordan LegeKunst rækker ud over det enkelte forløb.
Her er det ikke kun børnene som rykker ind i Glyptotekets fantastiske rum, men også museet, der møder børnene på hjemmebane. Den særlige LegeKunst tilgang har sat sine spor i både børn, pædagoger og de ansatte på Glyptoteket, som har fået nye perspektiver på deres formidling.
Medvirkende i dette afsnit er; Lisa Didde Stolt Rasmussen, adjunkt ved Københavns Professionshøjskole, Mitte Marie Wagner, LegeKunst koordinator og lektor ved Københavns Professionshøjskole, og Stefan Bang, Formidlingsansvarlig, Børn og Unge, hos Glyptoteket.
"1 2 3 - hulahopla portal!" - about how we say yes to each other's ideas
Throughout Næstved municipality, PlayArt has been used to create a bridge for 900 children between kindergarten and SFO.
Transformation is the key word, and the focus has been on creating a breeding ground for children's communities through a shared narrative. Familiarity is a good friend in the transition from kindergarten to school.
In this podcast you can hear how PlayArt can help this difficult transition from being the biggest to the smallest, because how can you really transform into something new?
Featured in this episode are:
Merete Sørensen, Absalon University College, researcher in PlayArt
Thomas Thorsen, Absalon University College, researcher and coordinator of PlayArt
Sigrid Abrahamsen, Head of Talent School, steering committee member for PlayArt
Malene Kroager, visual artist in PlayArt
"Unleash the wildness!" - What happens when children, educators and artists get lost inside themselves?
In a PlayArt program, children, educators and PlayArtist Dorte Abrahamsen have met a moss woman who is cute... but also a little dangerous. Together they have embarked on a mission to bring out spring.
Mitte Marie Wagner, Regional PlayArt Coordinator and Alette Raft Rasmussen, PlayArt Researcher, who both teach drama pedagogy in the pedagogy program at University College Copenhagen, have brought together PlayArtist, Dorte Abrahamsen, for a Socratic conversation about how the magic in art creates magical play, the connection between art, play and pedagogical practice and what these forms can learn from each other. In a Socratic conversation, participants think together and explore a topic using their own experience and curiosity.
"Art gives us a different view of the child" - about being part of PlayArt for a Children's House
In Engelsborg Children's Home they have collaborated with the artist Susanne Ahrenkiel in the LegeKunst project. It has expanded the world - both for children and adults. The adults have stepped out onto the practice field with the children, and this has resulted in them being open to more things - "our world was unfolded". Listen in on this episode of the PlayArt podcast as children's centre manager Karin Hvidberg and educator Marie-Louise Navntoft delve into their experiences with project coordinator Minni Wendy.
Music: Hard Boiled, Kevin MacLeod
Supervisors who dare to say: "That's great, but is it PlayArt?"
Listen in as three tutors from different administrations in Faaborg-Midtfyn municipality reflect on their role and not least the framework of the LegeKunst project - spiced up with magical star stories from real life, of course! The interdisciplinary cooperation has grown into the supervisor role - and with each other's sparring they 'play each other well'.
Music: Loopster, Kevin MacLeod
"Sound and Listen" - How sound art can provide space to listen and improvise together
Hear why we should become more like clumsy dancers and what we can learn from really listening, when Birgit Løkke (composer, percussionist and sound artist) and Dorthe Vanghøj (researcher and teacher in movement and creative expression, Copenhagen University of Applied Sciences) together with LegeKunst project coordinator Minni Wendy look back on rainy days in a LegeKunst programme with lots of sound.
"Play and aesthetics make it fun to be in development!" - about a former student's transformation
Something happened to Maja Lukoschewitz when she took part in a PlayArt course during teacher training. Not only did she gain a greater professional grounding, she also experienced a great personal development.
Hear what it's all about as Maja, in conversation with PlayArt Project Coordinator Minni Wendy, looks back on an important time for Maja. Together they visit the nursery where Maja works today and take a closer look at some of the creative tools Maja uses with the youngest children.
"What happens when you have the courage to go outside your artistic field?" - about being an artist in LegeKunst
This is one of the things PlayArt Hanne Pedersen (assistant professor, head of animator learning, The Animation Workshop, VIA) talks about in this episode of the PlayArt podcast. She herself hit rock bottom in a LegeKunst programme, where she stepped out of her profession and worked with everything but animation. Why was this a very special experience for her? How has it contributed to her own formative journey?
Together with LegeKunst project coordinator Minni Wendy, Hanne Pedersen delves into how LegeKunst programmes look from an artist's perspective and, not least, what wonders it can bring for both the artist, educators and children in day care.
"The Mouse and the Cow" - a sensory universe of sounds by Yasmin Elvira Steenholdt
This is a very special section. You are invited into a sensory universe of sounds as you listen to the story created in interaction between LegeKunstner and music artist Yasmin Elvira Steenholdt and a two-year-old boy. Together they explore and meet the mouse and the cow.
Yasmin has extensive experience of working with the youngest children and has created this auditory sensory universe - where play is followed and gathered by the narrator. It is the sound of play, impulse and improvised melody.
You can listen to it on your own or with a group of children and be inspired to play, draw, dance or make up your own stories. You can also lie on the floor and put a piece of cloth over your eyes and listen to the podcast and when it's finished roll over on your stomach and talk about what you heard. It can be heard twice in a row. So you get the whole picture... and who else would you like to meet?
"Throw off the pedagogical cap" - about PlayArt and Opportunity
Artistic processes have a special place when it comes to children in day care - regardless of their background and any challenges they may have. Unfortunately, not all children have equal opportunities to encounter the arts in their everyday lives.
But what can the arts really do to improve opportunities for children? Can it make room for new roles and different narratives? And can it perhaps even give educators a chance to throw off the pedagogical cap every now and then?
In the latest LegeKunst podcast, "Drop the pedagogical cap", Felicia Bech Lillelund (LegeKunst coordinator for the Northern Region and associate professor at UCN) and Sandy Elbæk (LegeKunst co-coordinator for the Northern Region and associate professor at UCN) unfold their research project on opportunity among children. Together with LegeKunst project manager Camilla Høg, they explore how LegeKunst programmes can help to change the usual roles of both the artist and the participating educators and children.
"Invisible threads" - between artistic and art pedagogical processes in LegeKunst
Now's the time to lace up your boots and get ready to wander the artistic peaks.
In this podcast, LegeKunst researcher Hanne Kusk invites you on a journey with visual artist Pia Skogberg and author Mette Hegnhøj, who weave a conversation between playing and experimenting as an artist and artistic practice with the children in LegeKunst.
The walk takes place in Pia and Mette's two jointly created exhibitions "Domestic crafts and invisible work" and "In the deep quiet of the forest" at Kirsten Kjær's Museum.
The podcast can be enjoyed anywhere, and you might even want to go for a walk while listening to the walking interview?
The podcast is produced in collaboration between Hanne Kusk (PhD student at DPU, Lecturer at UCN and PlayArt researcher), Mette Hegnhøj (author and PlayArt artist), Pia Skogberg (visual artist, daily director of Kirsten Kjær's Museum and PlayArt artist) and Kulturprinsen.
"Maybe-Cocoa in the Valley of Fairy Tales"... Sit back and enjoy a visit to an adventurous and sensual sound universe filled with maybe-coffee, secrets and hat-stealing fish, when author Mette Hegnhøj invites you into the process of being a co-creative Play Artist with the Rockets and their adults in Snedsted Kindergarten.
The programme opens up the wondrous stories and universes of books, because Snedsted wanted to focus on working with children's language through aesthetic processes and was interested in wonder: on how to create concentration and immersion around children's books?
The podcast was created by Mette Hegnhøj, and the real sound recordings were made by PhD student and LegeKunst researcher Hanne Kusk, who followed and participated in the process together with Mette Hegnhøj, educators and children from Snedsted Kindergarten.
"About finding the courage to play as an adult" - Yasmin Elvira Steenholdt in conversation with Lars Geer Hammershøj and Morten Henriksen about what happens when adults find the courage in LegeKunst and about the magic of following the child's lead
"What we must dare is to find the courage to be right where we do not know what will happen" - Yasmin Elvira Steenholdt
Listen in when singer and play-agent Yasmin Elvira Steenholdt (artist in PlayArt) in conversation with PlayArt research coordinator Lars Geer Hammershøj (PhD and associate professor at DPU, Aarhus University) and PlayArt researcher Morten Henriksen (associate professor at. Pedagogical Education, Copenhagen University College) delves into what happens when adults find the courage to play along, and the magic of following the child's lead and letting the process itself become the goal.
The interview is recorded in continuation of a LegeKunst course, which took place in Børnehuset Rosenkilden in Helsingør back in early 2020.
"Play and education in LegeKunst" - LegeKunst research coordinator, PhD and lecturer Lars Geer Hammershøj (at DPU, Aarhus University) talks about the concept of education, the importance of play for children's educational processes and the research track in LegeKunst
In this section, you can listen in as Lars Geer Hammershøj (LegeKunst research coordinator, PhD and associate professor at DPU, Aarhus University) talks to Morten Henriksen (associate professor at Pedagogical Education, Copenhagen University College) about what education actually is, why play is central to children's educational processes, and what is exciting about doing research in a project like LegeKunst.
The podcast was recorded back in October 2019 in connection with the launch of LegeKunst and therefore gives an insight into the initial thoughts and considerations around LegeKunst's research track.
"You end up snapping in a completely different place than you thought you were snapping" - Roundtable: Kick-off of LegeKunst in Skive Kommune
In this episode you can hear Rikke Markussen Jensen (Educator at Lærkereden Daycare) and Charlotte Hove Pedersen (PlayArt supervisor and development consultant at Skive Municipality) tell PlayArt project manager Tanja Phaff Louring about the wonders PlayArt has set in motion at Lærkereden, and what the project's SNIP, SNAP and SNUDE narratives actually are.
The podcast was recorded in connection with Skive Municipality's Kick-off of LegeKunst.
"We must remember to walk along paths that we have not trodden yet" - Roundtable discussion: the Ikast-Brande municipality's kick-off of LegeKunst
In this section you can hear four PlayArt actors from Ikast-Brande municipality discuss what their expectations are for PlayArt and what they are looking forward to getting started with in the work with PlayArt.
The roundtable discussion will be attended by Michael Nygaard Sander (PlayArt coordinator and assistant professor at the teacher training college in Ikast), Merete Villsen (head of day care in the municipality of Ikast-Brande), Stig Skovbo (head of the day care centre Bording Børneby) and Marie Hultberg (PlayArt supervisor and development consultant at the municipality of Ikast-Brande)
"I was always dressed up as a child!" - Lecturer Henriette Blomgren talks about the importance of aesthetic processes in day care, the concept of play pockets and action research as a method.
In PlayArt's very first podcast, PlayArtresearch coordinator Lars Geer Hammershøj interviews Henriette Blomgren about her PhD thesis Aesthetic processes in day care - action research inspired project where educators and artists collaborate, the concept play pocket, action research as a method and her own aesthetic experiences as a child.