At Kulturprinsen, we are happy and proud to share with you a big and important news. We have received 25 million DKK from Nordea Foundation for the project LegeKunst. With a total project budget of DKK 70 million, Kulturprinsen can now launch LegeKunst, which over the next four years will engage 20,000 children in daycare, nursery and kindergarten in 18 municipalities, over 1,000 pedagogical staff, more than 8,000 pedagogical students, hundreds of artists, up to 50 cultural institutions, teacher training and researchers across the country.
LegeKunst aims to bring the youngest children closer to culture and to explore what meeting art and culture in everyday life means for children and for their play and education. At the same time, close cooperation with educational institutions will enable new educators to play in completely new ways.
At Kulturprinsen, we're excited like, well, little kids to get playing!
You can get an insight into how we work in LegeKunst in this TV clip from Dalens Børnehuse, which was broadcast on TV Midtvest on 15 May on the occasion of the announcement of the grant from the Nordea Foundation to LegeKunst!
You can also hear Ulla Voss Gjesing, Centre Manager at Kulturprinsen, talk about PlayArt in this clip from Kulturen på P1 (57:57 minutes into the programme).
DKK 500 million a year for the good life
Every year, the Nordea Foundation allocates DKK 500 million to projects that promote good health, exercise, nature and culture. For the years 2019-2021, the Nordea Foundation has chosen to focus on 0-6 year olds under the focus area 'More children who flourish':
"With LegeKunst, thousands of children will experience even more play, creativity and culture in their daycare. This is a big and ambitious national effort that will certainly make more children flourish. A large part of a person's personality, skills and habits are formed from the time we are children, which is why early, targeted efforts are important to support when you have a mission like ours to promote good lives," says Henrik Lehmann Andersen, CEO of the Nordea Foundation.
FACTS about LegeKunst
- LegeKunst will officially start on 15 May 2019, and the first children are expected to meet LegeKunst in their daycare during autumn 2019.
- The closest partners are DPU - Danish Pedagogical University, UCN University College, VIA University College, UCL Business Academy and University College, ABSALON University College and Copenhagen University College.
Contact and information:
Tanja Louring, Project Manager - Phone: 26891415 - E-mail: