Region: South
Municipality: Esbjerg
By: Bramming
Year: 2020-2021
Artist: Tina Drejergaard
Tumlebo Play Art 2020-2021
The starting point, as described in the snippet narrative, began with some thoughts about recycled materials, design language with multiple dimensions, combined with narratives that drew on the children's stories and experiences.
We ended up somewhere in the middle of it all.
The snippet was made before we knew the artist, and in the meeting between the associated artist and the staff, something new was already happening. The idea of adding sound as part of the narrative emerged. Perhaps if we got the parents to bring in a lot of things that were going to be thrown away anyway, the children could, in a process with the adults, turn them into instruments. A new framework had emerged.
"We put out a box with the collected materials and the children started to examine the different things (we saw what happened). We had some metal cans with lids that the children put different things in and paid attention to the different sounds that came out of it. There was also jumping on plastic tubs (which were let off), beating with foam pipes, rolling tubs down the big hill, the metal tubs were especially interesting for the children.
The kids were at it for about ½ hour.
When we went to the nursery playground where the practice reflection took place, several children continued to investigate sounds."
With a start in November 2020, we had a period where LegeKunst was not possible due to restrictions related to the Co-vid 19 epidemic.
During February 2021, we, as the institution, decided to continue with the project, despite the fact that the artist could not yet start up.
In this context, we made a new involvement of the children and the combination of what the children were interested in, the idea of the multi-dimensional language, sound, papier-mâché and recycled materials and the children's story, ended up in a joint project, making a large dinosaur and a troll of papier-mâché
The little ones: We started with free play on the hill and at the hut. Especially the big pieces of wood were exciting. One quickly became immersed in hammering a stone against a tender piece of wood. We started the action when everyone had arrived. We sat on the blue mattresses and sang the hello song and "Up in Norway". Then we went out to our zones.
Last week the troll had a long tube from its mouth and through it, so we spent a lot of time "feeding" it with beads and other fun things. We thought of putting a can at the end of the tube so we could hear when the troll farted the food back out.
In the second zone, newspapers were prepared for papier-mâché, and both children and adults enjoyed tearing a lot of newspapers into strips.
One child spent a long time filling a large tin with beads and mash, which we listened to and felt.
The big ones:
Today we continued from last. We had a table to make a head for the dino and a table to make "instruments" to hang on the dino. The framework was decided and the things put out, and then the children could choose where they wanted to contribute. Many were nicely immersed, very creative and generally engaged with the project. Some needed a little inspiration from the adults and got on well too. Several chose to go to the playground and play, with some coming back and joining in when they were ready.
Here, too, we practice letting go of control - and we've gotten really good at it! Because there's no limit to how many strips a dino can have on its head, and everything looks better and is more fun with duct tape.
It works great that an adult has set the framework before we start the action. It's easy for both children and adults to contribute, and we can switch between the two tables if we suddenly get a good idea that's better suited to the other place.
LegeKunst has been a project that has both inspired and frustrated. It has created opportunities for reflection both organisationally and professionally. But above all, LegeKunst has unleashed the creativity and imagination of the children. They have seen their stories take physical form, they now know what it sounds like when a troll farts. However, we are a little challenged, because as the slightly older girl said to the slightly smaller boy "Now we can't go to the playground anymore, it's full of dinosaurs"