Region: South
Municipality: Esbjerg
By: Hjerting
Year: 2020-2021
Artist: Tina Drejergaard

LegeKunst is co-creation - art, like play, is exploratory, and together we explore how educators, artists and children can get the most out of encounters with each other, art and culture.


The core concepts of PlayArt are Play, Art and Creativity as a path to good children's lives.

In the PlayArt programme at Spiren, we have been working with "sound art" in the playground to promote children's education, community and well-being.

The PlayArt process along the way has been marked by challenges and changes in conditions due to Covid-19, as:

  • One group has stopped and started school.
  • Another group is split in two in the daily life, and therefore could not be a group together for Play Art (Covid-19)
  • The playground has also been divided. (Covid-19)
  • The children who are still here do not all have access to the instruments provided. (Covid-19)
  • There is no longer consistency in the process due to a longer break in the process because it has not been possible due to Covid-19
  • It has been difficult for everyone to find the spirit again, as the conditions have become so different along the way and it has been so long since we have met in the PlayArt group.


 but with the changes, challenges and conditions we've had along the way, I think we've made good progress.

 I would like to say a huge thank you to the staff, the children and our artist who helped to make it all come together along the way.