REGION: Central Jutland
DAILY OFFER: Ørum Børnehus
Snow story: Ørum Børnehus (2022)
When we started the LegeKunst program, we had an idea of what we wanted to improve at Ørum kindergarten. Our goal was to create a connection between home, daycare and school. When the project was completed, there should be a common language among all adults and a natural curiosity among the children to try something new and exciting.
To create a connection between home and daycare, we prepared a PlayArt concert where the children would perform the songs we had learned in the PlayArt program for their families. We experienced some challenges in the beginning when Nana stopped and we had to take over. There were some practical things that made it harder to focus on our common goal, as we didn't have the songs that Nana had sung with us and we hadn't memorized them yet. We have subsequently thought that it would have been best if we had been given the songs as we had sung them.
In terms of creating a connection between daycare and school, we didn't manage to achieve our goal. We had planned to do a dress rehearsal at the school, but unfortunately this was not possible as we would disturb the surrounding classes that were next to the stage. Instead, we did a dress rehearsal in the kindergarten, where we performed as we would have done when we were at the school. Next year, we expect to have a better opportunity to do a dress rehearsal for the school, as we will have a multi-purpose hall by then.
At the end of the project, we expected to have a common language among the adults, and we feel that we have come closer to a common language in relation to music and the relational mindset. There is a more musical atmosphere in everyday life, and we experience more spontaneous singing among both children and adults. We do not see a change in the children's play and play relationships, but we see children who are more involved when we play new singing and movement games.
The pedagogical staff has begun to include musical instruments more in everyday life, including Happii Drum and wind chimes for relaxation in connection with assembly. We sing and listen to music more than we did before the LegeKunst project. It is easier to include art, culture and aesthetic processes in our planning because there is a greater knowledge of what it is and what it can do.
We feel that LegeKunst has helped change our culture and has shifted our mindset and perception of singing and music.
We incorporate music more into our everyday life, and we focus on the musical learning space not only taking place in the morning during assembly, but also in the afternoon when we are out in the playground. Here we create a framework for joint singing games where we focus on relationships across the groups. We can see that our initiatives have had a positive effect, as we experience that the children themselves take the initiative for singing games without it being adult-led.
LegeKunst has created a new tradition in Ørum Børnehus in the form of an annual Christmas concert. There has been an increased focus on incorporating the tradition into our pedagogical curriculum and including music in our planning.
We are curious about how we can involve music even more and make it an integral part of our planning. We want to continue to improve our singing and music skills and have it underpin everything we do.
The play activities have been very concentrated, but in the long term, the idea is that music and singing will be an integral part of the pedagogical practice.