DAILY OFFER: Nors Kindergarten

Short story: Nors Børnehave (2020)

Research questions

How do we as staff become more engaging and inspiring?

How have you experienced the co-creation between artist/cultural educator/cultural school teacher, educators and children and possibly researcher?

The educators were challenged by being outside their comfort zone and articulated that it can be challenging to be spontaneous and imaginative. Throughout the process, the artist worked with this "hurdle" and came up with games for the adults in the artistic workshop that supported spontaneity. Along the way, the artist was also good at spotting the educators' strengths and supporting their development with recognition.

How have children's perspectives been expressed/included?

The artist has been good at following the children's lead and going along with the children's ideas throughout the process. Saying "YES" to them and weaving their contributions into the stories. The educators have worked to take this on board.

There was a discussion about whether you could perform theater outdoors or whether you needed a physical setting in the form of walls to keep the children's interest. Both artist and educators felt that with the current group of children (large group of boys) it was necessary to have the physical setting.

Do the children play different games and with different people than they usually do?

The educators do not experience that the children play other games between the LegeKunst days, but they look forward to Lars coming.

This may be because the educators recognize that they themselves do not work/play into those universes between the PlayArt days.

How will you use art, culture and aesthetic processes in the future?

The LegeKunst program was not completed due to Corona (was attempted to restart several times) and subsequently the institution has a new pedagogical leader and a number of new employees, so this LegeKunst program has not resulted in a lasting change in the institution.