MUNICIPALITY: Frederikshavn
DAILY OFFER: Knife-wielding rural kindergarten

Snood story: Knife-holding country kindergarten (2022)

Starting point:

We want to see if we can change the habit of how children use the forest.

During the playful art process we have experienced:

Children see opportunities in forest materials. Children have shown strong resources in the activities.

Children who are normally shy about new things turned out to be very active and engaged.

All children have been very active and engaged. The perseverance of the children has grown from time to time.

We have seen that the children have developed and built on what the adult has started

The role of the adult:

Sometimes it's been difficult to sit on your hands and let the kids figure it out for themselves. It has taken patience to let the kids figure it out on their own.

Adults have created input for the children in the beginning, and have created a story as a starting point for something the children could get started with. The adults joined in the play where it made sense.

What changes have we seen?

The children have played a lot with sticks in the playground - they have constructed houses and areas and have passed them on to other children.

The next step in playfulness:

We want to mix adults and children, so those who haven't participated in Play Art can be inspired.

We have learned that the iPad should only be in the children's hands when something is ready to document. Otherwise, the iPad takes over for the other activity/play. We will ask the children what they would like to do in the forest or what ideas they have.

Artist's evaluation:

Snap story from the process with Landbørnehaven

It has been a great advantage for me as an artist to have had the same group of children throughout the entire process and only 1 class per session. TIME has therefore not been a present factor, we had all the time we needed, which has provided great peace in the present, and an opportunity for me to immerse and forget myself in the collaboration with children and adults.

Being with the same 12 children has also given me the opportunity to build good relationships with all the children and to follow their development. Being able to follow them from being unsure of what to do to all 12 children being on top of their game and mastering how to create with the materials available in the forest is a gift. After a short intro/impulse, all 12 children naturally take on the challenge of the day, guided by their curiosity and seeing only possibilities around them.

A great pleasure for me to experience.