DAILY OFFER: The galaxy

Short story: The Galaxy (2022)

How have you experienced the co-creation between artist/cultural educator/cultural school teacher, educators and children and possibly researcher?

Nursery: It has been good that the adults are allowed to get involved in the process and that the children's paths were followed.

Kindergarten: There has been an open dialog about the process and employees have been involved.

How have children's perspectives been expressed/included?

Nursery: They rush to the sand when it's out, expressing a joy and desire to participate. We have looked at what the children are interested in and want to do.

Kindergarten: Children want to participate and are motivated and interested in what is going to happen.

Do the children play different games and with different people than they usually do?

Nursery: The children have been mixed from several teams, which has strengthened the relationships, especially between the adults and the children. There are children who have not previously contacted Trine who now come up to her and say: We have PlayArt together.

Kindergarten: The children are involved from all rooms, strengthening relationships across the board. They are all from the same year group. In general, the parents have been very supportive of the project.

How do pedagogical staff act differently than they did before PlayArt?

Nursery: Staff have been challenged with paint and sand all over the place. Having to be in it is dirty and messy in the process. It's difficult, but they have seen how the children grow in participation.

Preschool: More awareness that it is easy enough to do small activities with colors or sand, for example.

What has it been like to work with action learning?

Nursery: It has been great to work with a focus on the process instead of having to produce something as a final result.

Kindergarten: The focus has been on the learning process and it's been exciting.

To the artist/cultural educator/cultural school teacher, if present: What have you gained from participating in LegeKunst?

Affirms that collaboration is important in order to create something together.

What are educators still/now curious about?

Nursery: Presenting materials instead of products. In the past, we have provided materials with a purpose in mind. Now it's time to make snowmen with cardboard and feathers. But what would happen if you just put cardboard and feathers on the table? How would the children use it?

Kindergarten: Use the art part more, find ideas from different platforms e.g. Instagram or Pinterest.

How will you use art, culture and aesthetic processes in the future?

Nursery: Repetition of previous activities, as children thrive and develop really well with repetition. Perhaps introduce new elements to the previously tested activities.

Kindergarten: Repetition to create confidence in the process. Repeat the successes, what works, what engages the children.

What points of attention do we need to take forward?

Nursery/kindergarten: Attention to the process, incorporating it more into everyday life. The adult's role in it is smaller, so it is the children who are involved. Awareness that the adult must dare to let go of control.

Nursery: An advantage that there is an artist because it makes it happen. It has created reflection on how high activities should be prioritized.