Region: South
Municipality: Fredericia
Year: 2020
Maja Blenner
Day care: The daycare workers in the play group at Børnehuset Bøgeskov

Day care teacher Connie Laila Jeppsen:

The play art project with wind art has shown, among other things, the following knowledge and learning...

  • Motivating children by initiating the activity/song rather than counting in, motivating children to participate.
  • That the daycare workers have learned songs through the course, have become curious and demand new songs and not least experiment with new approaches such as instruments, rhythm. There has been a different attention to music and togetherness.
  • That the management of the process, reflection on and responsibility for changes in the process are taken over by the artist.
  • Giving space for initiative - for everyone to take the lead, whether it's children, a daycare worker or an artist leading the way.
  • That the songs are taken into everyday life and become a culture - a way of being together, where joy and interaction are seen. For example, a song from LegeKunst is played, then the children themselves start singing/playing or the children outside LegeKunst find a stick put it up to their mouth and make sounds.
  • A courage to experiment with instruments and rhythm together with the children, where the children themselves continue to play the instruments.
  • That repetition provides recognisability - creates security and knowledge of what is happening in each song. For example, the children have the courage to suggest where the rattle egg should be stored and, when the song is over, to take the initiative for one of the next songs.
  • That structure/framework and children's age/well-being/new children influence how PlayArt can be communicated and received by children e.g. being outdoors requires more to motivate, children withdrawing from the activity and coming back to the activity shortly after or whether the spirit can be maintained.

The process with Lego art have supported the curricula at more levels than shown including.

The learning environment has taken place in a safe and recognisable environment for all by taking place in the play team. The framework/space, form and materials/toy have been evaluated and changed during the process to ensure learning and a focus on the child's perspective.

Children's communities are supported and reinforced throughout the framework of being the known team. Furthermore, a child-centred approach with a focus on education and child-centredness is seen. It has been evident that both cohesion - being significant in a group and the dignity of the individual child are involved when children bond together. For example, children are made aware of children through the singing games: that Mille flies out in turn to the children or that a child is given a new position in the group by having one's suggestion or new idea tested.

Being a child in a vulnerable position has been accommodated in the programme by varying the pace, activities, atmosphere, child-centredness - that it is okay to withdraw and come back, etc.

Reflection on the processes with and without the artist contributes to the desire to focus on...

  • To expand PlayArt with different materials and science, to use the framework to launch new programmes with other themes that support the curricula.
  • To focus on interventions for the youngest children - referring to the experience that rattle eggs/soap bubbles catch them.
  • To change along the way to keep motivation and extend learning and interaction.
  • To contact the artist for sparring and to obtain new ideas/material
  • Using teams to share knowledge (experiences, ideas, materials) within the team and with other teams.
  • Inviting parents into what LegeKunster and what materials/songs are used e.g. sending links/pictures. Continue to post on facebook.