MUNICIPALITY: Jammerbugt - PlayArtFertilizer
DAILY OFFER: Day care - Playgroups Kaas
Short story: Day care - Playgroup Kaas (2022)
Snow storytelling on Dec. 1.
In terms of what materials the children are presented with, there is a big difference.
For example, we have had more things like cardboard boxes and newspapers - the children were more free with ideas. We have also experienced the children's ideas when they are presented with blankets and rags, and where we adults sat and waited for the children's reactions. They were a bit quiet until we adults offered to help. The rags were easier for the children to handle than the blankets - perhaps because of their size.
Some children stood on the sidelines sometimes, but joined in after a few times as they felt comfortable in repeating materials from time to time. We adults also learned from the children, where we had an idea but the children had a different idea and we couldn't always see it. We daycare providers think it has been educational and fun to learn PlayArt, and that it does not always have to be controlled and planned - and with other things than purchased toys.
In relation to expectations for the number of children: Our educator had an expectation that we should be so many children and adults. But we daycarers met the art of play with the children we were, and it has been great with both many and few children - there is room for everyone. Bjarke doesn't think the number of children has been a problem either. We daycarers think that our experience of LegeKunstere has been fantastic and has taught us a lot with free and unplanned games and new ideas. We have also learned that we daycarers should try/learn to step back and see where the children are.
Municipal childminders - Jammerbugt