DAY CARE: Lucinahaven day care center

Snout story for the daycare center Lucinahaven - district Fjordbakke - spring/summer 2022

How has it gone in relation to our described purpose in the Snip narrative and the overall wondering?

Purpose and wonder of the Snip story:

What do we want to get out of the process?

- Further development of our learning environment with a focus on dance and movement

- Focus on the processes to ensure children's active participation

- Experience with the Action Learning Methodology

What are we curious about? For both staff and children.

- How we can encourage children to come forward and be active participants in the activities

- How we can follow children's footsteps

- What happens when we walk ahead, alongside and behind in the process

- How does it promote children's play, education and communities

We have gained an increased awareness and consciousness of how important a factor it is that the pedagogical staff are active players in supporting the children's active participation.

As the program progressed, more and more of the children participated, even the otherwise very shy and quiet children began to show signs of more active participation.

Within a few sessions, the children had a complete grasp of the content, and several of them quickly became ready to build on it and began to contribute themselves. This gave the pedagogical staff an obvious opportunity to follow the children's tracks and be co-creative with the children.

The program has provided new inspiration and the opportunity to be in contemplation with the children around play, music and movement. It has shown that the process of alternating between high and low arousal promotes the children's active participation and immersion.

In addition, the use of a visual gathering point in the form of a blanket or pillows has been a supportive factor for both children and adults in relation to quickly coming together for the day's activity. As it has been very concrete where they should gather both before and during the activity.

We have not seen a greater sense of community across the house between the participating nursery and kindergarten children, however, there is a joy of reunion when the children see each other. The children have also not had the opportunity to build on this, as the two teams have been very divided in everyday life. If we should have seen a greater benefit from the program in relation to communities across the house, we should have supported this with more initiatives in that direction.

The pedagogical staff has gained a slightly closer relationship/cohesion with the children across the two teams, which is expressed, among other things, by the children wanting to greet and give hugs to the adults when they meet each other in the house or on the playground.

The children have shown great joy and enthusiasm about participating in PlayArt.

We have heard them talk about PlayArt, the songs, the monkey and Sara, etc. but have not seen them take the initiative to transfer the content from the course into children's culture.

Unfortunately, the action learning course itself has been affected by cancellations, which has had an impact on continuity, as the course days have been very scattered and sometimes several weeks apart.

The form of action learning, where time is given to small evaluations after each session, has emphasized the importance of evaluation and the continuous correction of practices during a course.

What's next?

The content from the course has been made our own, with the addition of some new songs, other instruments and our own Abe.

The pedagogical staff will continue to make it widespread and anchored in the institution, initially in the nursery on the ward where one of the participating pedagogues is assigned. They are in the process, and the other teacher on the ward has been assigned and is being trained in relation to content and form.

The plan is that it will subsequently be passed on to the two remaining rooms in the nursery, e.g. Via video/practice stories. Dates are agreed on for holding courses with the children in the nursery at the next team meeting.

There should also be a knowledge sharing on both the Playful Arts course and the action learning methodology itself in a joint P-meeting.

For now, it is parked in the kindergarten until after the summer holidays.

What are we still curious about?

- How a PlayArt program that focuses on music, singing and movement can help support children who are more overworked and may have difficulties in the community.

- How the pedagogical staff's approach and active participation promotes children's desire and courage to be active participants.

- How we in the future will implement our form of reflection, which has been used in PlayArt, in other contexts such as in discussions of children's participation, well-being and learning

(What went well and what should we do more of? What were the children engaged or not engaged in? Where do we need to adjust?)

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