REGION: Sjælland
DAILY OFFER: Børnehuset Stokrosen - nursery school
Snow story: Børnehuset Stokrosen - nursery (2022)
How have you experienced the co-creation between artist/cultural educator/cultural school teacher, educators and children and possibly researcher?
Educator Emil: Very good. We have had the little ones. We have navigated intuitively and spontaneously. Kim has been good at not being bothered by children who are screaming or whatever it may be. The 2 year olds don't just sit down and do what they're told. Kim has been good at grabbing the children where they are.
It's been a learning experience. I haven't done it before, it's been a good learning process.
Ex: mud painting for a whole day. The children were immersed for a long time. We have talked about taking this into everyday life in the living room: giving time.
Student: We work towards following the children. A bit like the children who take us by the hand and we do what they want. When Kim arrives, the children know that something special is going to happen.
Educator: all educators should try it. I don't normally see myself as someone with creative skills. It has changed my view on creativity. Away from the "factory-like". The kids get 10 times more out of it this way.
Does it require other competencies? The study program lacks something about what everyday life is like in a daycare center. That you can learn to connect things together. It's difficult for people to make it tangible.
Stud: let go of the fixed framework and allow yourself to try things out.
Assistant: I like that it's more free like in LegeKunst, rather than more scheduled.
Educator: less adult-led.
Artist: the day I wasn't there: I could see that you had used the "must thing": we were going to bake and linked it into Play Art, even though I wasn't there.
How have children's perspectives been expressed/included?
Educator: We have really tried to start from the child's perspective.
We had so many ideas. We had a lot of cardboard boxes. The kids wanted to make three houses they could sit inside and bang on. We let them do that.
We've worked with sound, including gathering on the beach.
We made a band where the kids did something east and west. It was challenging for me as an adult not to take control, but to let them do what they wanted to do.
We've been down to meet them. We've had time to follow each child's path. Conscious of giving them space.
Do the children play different games and with different people than they usually do?
We have people who have found each other and play together beyond PlayArt.
A girl who had not been in daycare before and had a hard time settling in. Said nothing for the first 2 months. Now she has found friends and joins in. Something has happened in her thanks to LegeKunst. It has created some peace for her. She has become happy.
Little girls are starting to express themselves more. For example, a game about a birthday where someone suddenly stands and sings a birthday song. The children have generally picked up the sounds and use them in new games. It is especially the sound-sensitive children who have picked it up.
Make sound visible in everything. Sound becomes a breeze.
How do pedagogical staff act differently than they did before PlayArt?
Usually we have a theme and a fixed framework where the children's input doesn't get much space.
The educators have talked about not planning everything in advance.
Some of the children usually have a hard time touching things, but this was changed here. PlayArt has changed our perspective.
Taking it to other contexts: xx: we need to take it to other tasks.
In the forum we have created, anything is possible.
You can see that when the environment is there, it affects what can happen.
What has it been like to work with action learning?
Has been good at following the common thread. Good that we choose the path in the meetings and not while standing with the children.
Without the wonder point, it might be harder to stay focused.
We have researched sound and the materiality of sound.
The reflection time has been important. It allowed us to focus on the things we wanted to work on.
To the artist/cultural educator/cultural school teacher, if present: What have you gained from participating in LegeKunst?
The co-creation has been really great. Everyone has been very co-creative. I have also taken it home to my own children. I have gained some pedagogical tools.
When employees had to take over: too bad students weren't there all the time.
I was unsure when I had to let go, in the process there will be a shift.
The process has been really good. The employees have been brave and embraced it very much. We have all grown together.
Educ. Working quietly has been challenging and exciting.
Artist: we got the rat from the previous LegeKunst course into this project. It has been a good common thread. It would be great if the two courses could benefit from each other in some way. The rat helped with that.
What are educators still/now curious about?
Can we create that space when Kim is no longer here? Sometimes it's different when someone else is there.
We need to practice taking it with us.
What points of attention do we need to take forward?
Knowledge sharing is hard when you're not part of it. You should have been there yourself. It would make sense for everyone to be involved.