REGION: Central Jutland
DAILY OFFER: Børnehuset Rørsangervej
Snippet story: Børnehuset Rørsangervej (2022)
In our SNIP story, we wondered why the children were not very good at cutting with scissors. So we found an activity where using scissors was part of the project.
It was the children's own story from the very beginning. It was their ideas that were used for the storyboard. The children kept coming back to the story that was written based on their ideas. We adults followed their lead and contributed mostly with knowledge about material selection and practical help.
The expectations for the program were met and the children showed great enthusiasm and joy and were proud of the things they contributed.
In terms of our wondering, we have succeeded very well. The kids have gotten better at cutting. Those who had a really hard time holding scissors correctly have become quite good at cutting. This is not least because it was something we had to repeat many times in the process, but also the children's courage proved to be a huge strength.
We've seen the value of keeping the process relatively simple, drawing, coloring and cutting. However, new techniques have also been introduced. We have had plenty of time for the process.
We would also like our workshops to be available in the morning as well as in the afternoon. This is a process that we still need to work on during the spring and summer.
The children have shown enthusiasm and engagement throughout the process. They have been quite good at embracing our guest teacher as an active part of the project and are ready for new challenges. However, this is an approach that the children have always had and was noticed by our guest teacher.
The games haven't changed, but they have made use of each other's skills. EXAMPLE. A boy who at first had difficulty making crab legs and ended up offering his help to the others.
We will simplify some of our projects in the future, as cutting with scissors has proven to be an important skill that children really need to learn in their daycare. We have also involved parents in supporting the children in holding a pencil and scissors.
Our staff group has been focusing on education for a long time, so we have already thought a lot about children's education, also in relation to the upcoming start of school. The process with LegeKunst was completely in line with these thoughts and pedagogical initiatives. It is always rewarding to have our pedagogy highlighted.
Going forward, we will try to incorporate our new knowledge into the curricula to highlight how we have succeeded in expanding and developing our field of knowledge around art projects.
We work daily with action learning processes, which is a great way to analyze and maintain focus
We have found it useful to have milestones that reached all children in the group. Giving us and the children time to dwell on the small things in a project. First and foremost, we have seen how having a story brings the children together that tied the whole process together. By constantly returning to the story, it has been possible to maintain the children's enjoyment of the project, even though it took place over a long period of time and with certain interruptions (due to. Corona).
We would like to work with storytelling as a tool to maintain the children's focus during group work. We would like to further develop the concept of letting the children acquire knowledge about different materials and working methods. We will continue to work on giving the children the opportunity to improve their skills when it comes to using different tools. For example, teaching them something as basic as how to use scissors.
The good examples:
Children's storytelling: The start of the whole project was the story below
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess who lived in a village with lots of other people. I've heard that Lady Bug and Picatu lived there too. Around the village were a lot of mountains where wolves lived.
The Princess's best friend was a crab who lived in the Princess's room with her family. The Princess and everyone who lived in the village had a wonderful life, doing everything they liked best.
But one day there was a terrible storm and lightning struck the mountain behind the village. The mountain cracked and out of it came monsters and dinosaurs, and they wanted to eat all the people living in the village. The wolves wanted to come too and the monsters, dinosaurs and wolves came closer and closer to the village. "We're going to eat you," they shouted.
The princess was scared and she cried, but then she thought: NO and then she asked her crab friend if he would help. The princess and Crab ran to the mountain. The crab waved his claws and all the monsters, wolves and dinosaurs were so scared that they crawled back into the mountain. Just as they were lying there, there was a loud bang and the mountain closed, and then the Princess ran home rejoicing and Crab ran home to his mother, and the town threw a big party.
Based on this story, the children started drawing, cutting and pasting the story on a frieze that was hung up in the children's common room so everyone could see and hear the story. -
The children learned how to apply printing techniques and use charcoal as a drawing tool, and they continued to practice cutting techniques.
Then it was time to cut out monsters and draw crabs. The children used water-soluble watercolors together with non-water-soluble crayons for the first time.
What we saw:
We saw children learning to cut and gaining a sense and belief in a joint project. Many children saw the whole as a goal - that everyone contributed to the task. The children were persistent and didn't give up even on the bigger tasks (making legs for crabs).
The children have practiced cooperation, helping each other and seeing and accepting each other as equals.
Those who still struggled with cutting gained self-confidence through guidance and recognition from adults and peers.
Then we learned how to cut tissue paper and make mountains out of chicken wire and papier mache We cut out our crabs. We also make crabs out of self-hardening clay and make legs out of wire and beads.
The children were persistent and helped each other through communication about shapes and colors and the appearance of crabs.