REGION: Hovedstaden
DAILY OFFER: Børnehuset Land og by
Snippet story: Børnehuset Land og by (2022)
- How have you experienced the co-creation between artist/cultural educator/cultural school teacher, educators and children and possibly researcher?
It's been good.
Amanda was quick to recognize the children and their abilities. One child didn't want to join at all, educators advised Amanda, who then got the child to join.
A song that the teachers brought from home has been adopted and passed on by Amanda.
Unfortunately, there has not been much time to reflect directly after the courses. The educators took over tasks from Amanda.
It has been challenging to have both the middle and large group. It is difficult to meet all children's abilities.
- How have children's perspectives been expressed/included?
There have been plenty of opportunities for the children to participate in the activities in their own way. This is also the way we usually work in DI. Many of the children who did not want to participate at first, moved forward and dared more. One child moved much more than expected.
- Do children play different games and with different people than usual?
We haven't seen the games transferred at home except for one child.
At the museum, they played imaginary games with the instruments. For example, the bells were baby birds and the KI mediator and children were adult birds.
- How do pedagogical staff act differently than they did before PlayArt?
We want to include more instruments in our collections. For Halloween we will do something with emotions and music. We will repeat activities that we have done with Amanda. Maybe acquire new instruments that the children have been very interested in at the Music Museum.
We want to incorporate sound more. Make games where sound is included.
- What has it been like to work with action learning?
Communication has generally been challenged.
It has been challenging for the pedagogical manager who has been the intermediary. Next time we will send to our own email.
We also missed the mid-term meeting that could have helped our communication.
We lacked the participation and perspective of researchers.
We should have kept the reflections.
- To the artist/cultural mediator/cultural school teacher, if present: What have you gained from participating in PlayArt?
Had an idea from the last group; where all planned activities came together - the same has not worked for this group. Still think it succeeded in the end, but in a completely different way.
- What are the pedagogical staff still/now curious about?
To see an even greater development in the children's playfulness.
- How will you use art, culture and aesthetic processes in the further process?
We want to include more instruments in our collections. For Halloween we will do something with emotions and music. We will repeat activities that we have done with Amanda. Maybe acquire new instruments that the children have been very interested in at the Music Museum.
We want to incorporate sound more. Make games where sound is included.
Fantasy stories - play music and see how you feel about the music.
We sing a lot in our institution - putting instruments into the songs we already sing.
- What points for attention should we take forward?
Get better at communication and a better mix of children.