REGION: Hovedstaden
DAILY OFFER: Børnehuset Krummerne - May 2022
Snippet story: Børnehuset Krummerne (spring 2022) - MODEL 4
- How do we become more experimental in our pedagogical approach, especially in the expat community?
- How can our experimental approach be seen in the physical space of the relocation?
- How can we communicate new knowledge to children in a captivating way?
- How can we make use of storytelling in pedagogical work?
- How can children gain inspiration and input through visits to the Copenhagen City Museum and possibly be seen in children's play?
- How can we adults lead the way as role models for creativity, storytelling, immersion, play and community - education?
How have you experienced the co-creation between artist/cultural educator/cultural school teacher, educators and children and possibly researcher?
Co-creation has been challenged by the fact that the group of children has required extra pedagogical attention, and therefore the pedagogical staff has not had the energy to take the lead in the activities. The experience from the programs is that co-creation requires time and a group of children who are ready for it. Ready to receive. This group of children is learning basic things such as cooperative games.
Because co-creation has been difficult, it has often been Cecilie (museum curator) who has taken the lead and organized the activities.
In the encounter with the cultural institution, the educators describe it as entering a different world where the educators crave inspiration and input. The introduction to the place was safe, but as an educator you intervene in what Cecilie does/presents.
Cecilie would like the same insight into the institution because she is just as curious about the educators' practices. On one occasion, children and educators worked with dialogical drawing, and here children and educators took the starting point that the story should be about things/objects in the same way as the museum has objects. Here, it was the educators who took the lead and drew for the children's stories, and Cecilie participated.
The research only came later, so it has not been a co-creation process with research. When Jacob (researcher) joined, he has participated in the courses in the same way as the educators.
Potential for more co-creation: That the process is more connected to the SNIP story - the institution's starting point. It worked well when we connected to something that the daycare center was already working with. For example, we practiced being in a community, concentration and that everyone has a role.
That the educators are "forced" to be alone without Cecilie - split up on the visit to the museum. What would the educators do inside the museum without Cecilie?
The educators would think: What does the museum want the children to experience here?
But Cecilie really wants to know what the educators think would be a good activity?
- Turn it upside down - pour a trash can on the floor?
- Repeat things - the help room
- When you co-create, you need to explore - off the cuff, not finished products.
- Tasks that invite investigation
- How have children's perspectives been expressed/included?
Everything we do is built on the children's perspectives. We create shared narratives based on input from the children, e.g. "What do you think this is?" The children's answers are brought forward in the story of what it is. In the dialogic drawing, the children's answers are built into a story.
When Cecilie came to visit in the out-of-towners, the visit was linked to the children's place/home turf. At the same time, transfers were made to Cecilie/museum via magnifying glasses that Cecilie brought with her.
The children initially expressed that it was boring, but the further they got in the process, they stopped saying it. Perhaps an expression of insecurity.
- Do children play different games and with different people than usual?
Many children have told their parents about the project.
Many children are very involved without necessarily showing it during the activities, but afterwards they can talk in detail about what was going on.
The program has given the children new inspiration, new words and a new way of investigating things.
- How do pedagogical staff act differently than they did before PlayArt?
We've talked about setting up a museum/being a museum: Investigating topics: finding, painting, playing games, telling stories.
We have set up a space in the outpost that we can use to support this way of investigating. The room has exhibitions, a garden, ticket sales, a museum café and allows us to "easily" continue working in the same way as with Cecilie.
- What has it been like to work with action learning?
It hasn't been so obvious that that's what we've been doing, but in daycare we often work that way.
We didn't pay much attention to it.
Action research: where we have reflected on what has happened.
- To the artist/cultural mediator/cultural school teacher, if present: What have you gained from participating in PlayArt?
We/the museum have tried new things and we have gained new pedagogical perspectives/inputs.
Being able to work with the same group of children for a longer period of time has provided insight into how they get to know me and the exhibitions. When we get to know the target group, we can see that there is a difference in what you can do with a group of children you have a relationship with. The longer the relationship, the more input from the children.
I (Cecilie) get to sharpen my pedagogical skills. Rarely do I get to meet a group of children so many times.
- What are the pedagogical staff still/now curious about?
We are very concerned with: How we investigate things. Finding, presenting, exhibiting, evaluating - on many levels and in many situations.
An approach we will use in our activities going forward.
- How will you use art, culture and aesthetic processes in the further process?
We will continue to explore with the children - exploring in many different ways: playing, digging, storytelling, painting, exhibiting
- What points for attention should we take forward?
We would like to use the museum more, both on our own and through booked programs.
We can easily plan to go there ourselves.