REGION: Southern Denmark
DAILY OFFER: Børnehuset Guldager

Snow story: Børnehuset Guldager (2023)

- How have you experienced the co-creation between artist/cultural educator/cultural school teacher, educators and children and possibly researcher?

Got off to a good start - the children have found a calmness from day one in Tina being part of music.

You can tell from the kids that they know what's going to happen.

There has been an interaction between who has taken initiatives, Tina, the childminder and the children in turn.

- How have the children's perspectives been expressed/included?

When the children poured rattle eggs behind the radiator, or when the whistles were turned and tested upside down.

- Do children play different games and with different people than usual?

It is not observed.

Some children ask for the musical instruments.

- How do pedagogical staff act differently than they did before PlayArt?

They have become aware of giving children opportunities to do what they want, e.g. turn the whistle the other way around.

They think about sitting on their hands and letting things happen.

- What has it been like working with action learning?

It's been great and the kids are looking forward to the program.

It has been nice that they have had someone to look at and be inspired in their everyday routines.

- To the artist/cultural educator/cultural school teacher, if present: What have you gained from participating in LegeKunst?

It has been easy to get started, the daycare providers have seemed adaptable and open to the process.

The childminders have been great at preparing both themselves and the children for what was to come.

It has been interesting to work in a smaller group.

It's clear to see the difference between nursery and daycare.

Finding that the two childminders have been close has made the work easy.

- What are educators still/now curious about?

They still want to progress.

They would have liked longer courses.

What would have happened if there had been a longer process?

- How will you use art, culture and aesthetic processes in the future?

They want to continue separately over the summer.

They'll think about letting kids use their curiosity instead of defining what that thing should be used for.

Create a playroom program for their playroom with inspiration from PlayArt.

- What points for attention should we take forward?

Daycare providers will think about letting children use their curiosity instead of defining what that thing is for.

Mette will take it further that you prepare the children with a picture of the artist. And that the first time is a hello meeting.

Tina, that the starting point is a song the children know and that it is Tina who comes to them.

Freedom of choice - it is the childminders who participate who have chosen to do so and who have wanted to.

- How many children have been included in total? Including relocation children

11 children.