DAILY OFFER: Børnehuset Bjergene

Snow story: Børnehuset Bjergene (2022)

When Børnehuset Bjergene started, it was with this SNIP wonder: We are very concerned about the importance of play for the child's education, and we will try to the game, as well as investigate how the game is doing in our company.

How can we work with our wonder through the LegeKunst course and how can art and culture promote play and education in our lives?

Participation in LegeKunst has been for all kindergarten children (approx. 60 children who have both larger, smaller and different age groups) as well as the permanent staff, and educator Helle Maj Clement Lund, who works with children's theater. We have experienced the co-creation with Helle Maj as really good, and together we have beent new in PlayArt the process. Helle Maj has been great at stepping into Børnehuset Bjergene as part of the staff, and we have also experienced Helle Maj as responsive and flexible, among other things. where to PlayArt take place ( We have prioritized to PlayArt the process has in different locations - both indoors and outdoors).

It has been a very inspiring process with Helle Maj, and she has been great at to provide new input and contribute to play with a new dimension of how we can also put ourselves into play and follow the children's tracks in the world of imagination. We find ourselves acting differently than we did before PlayArt by working more on across the rooms and have become aware of playing in places other than the playground - throughout the day and not just at certain times. Working with action learning has been really educational in terms of daring to get out of your comfort zone, and it has been very challenging to dare to "play freely" and be crazy in front of your colleagues. In order to practice free imaginative play together, we have prioritized playing nursing home residents at a staff meeting, so that together we dare to be in an imaginative role/play. Helle Maj has also provided sparring on this at a reflection meeting and helped with ideas on how we could solve it together, e.g. using props. e.g. using props. We continue to practice being crazy together at staff meetings, and we practice both alone and together. We are aware that we should not end up in the same place in the joint co-creation process.

It has been an advantage that the entire colleague group has participated in PlayArt process, to have tried it out, to be involved, and we feel that it has provided a shared responsibility experience and some professional . It has not been an intense process for the individual employee, as we chose for the entire staff group to participate in turn - we have been involved in sub-processes. We find that play is generally incorporated much more into everyday routines, tasks and challenges, e.g. in the cloakroom. Our imagination has come into play in a new way in everyday life, e.g. Flying home from the forest instead of walking or using a tree stump as a bus.

A real-life example:

I'm sitting on a tree stump comforting a girl who had hurt herself. Out of the blue comes a girl with a car steering wheel and sits on the opposite side of the stump, with her back to me. Where she then says out loud. Here we go! To which I reply, where Are we going mom? The girl answers we must.... But I want an ice cream. The girl's answer boldly no no no not now, first we have to... we drive a little more and the trip changes, it gets bad weather, we can't go to the beach. I have to pee... Mom finds a small stump that is a toilet, She clicks me free and shows me the way. Dad V wants to join and baby F comes with. More children observe the play and want to be part of the play. Suddenly we are driving on highway and there's a car coming in the other lane, we wave and stick our tongues out each other.

Mother X... Now we're going home. And we're going to buy some ice cream...

The girl keeps her role playing and is actively leading the play. She can change the game and add to the game so more and more people want to join in.

Finally, I thank The Girl for a great drive.

It has been good that the LegeKunst program has been over time, as the children have had time to become comfortable with the concept and to see "their adults" in new contexts, e.g. dramatize and play. The children's imagination has been challenged that "my educator is right now an elephant" - is it reality or fantasy. A new fantasy world has opened up up for some of the kids who don't normally take the lead.

We have found that the children are very much immersed in the world of fantasy, and they are come up with creative ideas, performances, investigations, challenges, etc. here the children are once again fantastic at daring to be in the world of imagination, and we get both great relationship work and knowledge of the child/children by following their track. A new approach - for both children and adults - has opened up new roles in social interactions and a sense of community.

"I've never played this game before" - a child phrase that indicates that the children are have been re-inspired. Already now we see that the children have started to play new and different games with a sprinkling of imagination. The kids themselves are expanding their play more now, and experiment and add new elements to the game.

Going forward, we will try to be curious about how we prepare for play, e.g. alignment with colleagues and time to prepare planned fantasy. We will also pay special attention to the structure of the game, e.g. how to mark vi, the game starts ( put on a hat, say a spell, step over something etc.), and how do we end the game and exit the role again.

We will also experiment with adding elements to the game, such as hand puppets and hats.

In the future, we will try to continue with PlayArt, where we plan to Maintain one day a week dedicated to playfulness.

We want to create exciting play environments for children characterized by drama, theater, imagination and adventures, while we continue to practice together on the ideas we get along the way. Hopefully, it will become commonplace for children to say: "my teacher is right now an elephant" or "I've never played this game before".

WE WANT TO PLAY in Børnehuset Bjergene.

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