MUNICIPALITY: Mariagerfjord
DAILY OFFER: Kindergarten Rabalderstræde
Snippet story: Kindergarten Rabalderstræde (2022)
Play Art Fertilizer - nuggets from the process up to 30/8-22
Primary elements that have puzzled me throughout the process:
- Children are willing and able to stay in the process.
- Children's engagement increases when adult engagement is high - Pia's energy is contagious.
- Kirsten finds that her own focus on the product interferes with immersion.
- Furthermore, it causes her anxiety when she's inside because she thinks about how messy it is.
- Both Ditte and Kirsten feel that it is important that the framework is present in order to be able to let go - that the room is "passed on" to someone else.
- Once the room is handed over, Ditte can indulge herself and be in process.
- Ditte marvels that the children who seek sensory stimuli can stay in it and be immersed, especially if recognition is expressed for the immersion, emotions, etc.
- Similarly, the children who have a strong focus on
- L is very immersed and had no frustrations - he was focused on process and not product.
- Inside, Kirsten finds that C is able to immerse himself inside, but outside he is better able to stay in it and his expressions don't take up as much space.
- It is important that we can get plates for the clay work to create a boundary for each child.
- Kirsten makes sure Henrik makes some - Pia gets clay for Rabalderstræde and a contact in case of renewed need.
- Pia says that Ditte has the calm inside, while the calm is there outside for Kirsten. Pia recommends that we use the house and the individual educator's domains - i.e. Kirsten works outside and Ditte in the studio.
- Ditte found that the first two times the children were preoccupied with seeking praise for the product, but when Ditte shifted focus, the children's focus changed too.
- They can concentrate for up to an hour because of our structure.
- Ditte wants to take E out so that V can have the opportunity for contemplation. She will bring T instead.
- Kirsten wants to maintain the group, but with the possibility for the relationships to support the immersion.
- Ditte has been concerned with the process and staying in it.
- Ditte will investigate and be curious about R's post-reaction? R is sensory-motor challenged at the moment. After the immersion with the clay, it is experienced that her behavior is unresponsive. We talk about how to transition from the immersion to the social space.
- Kirsten has been busy with the room on the 3rd educator
- Kirsten will be curious about C's immersion - can he stay in the wondering: "What happens if????"
Wrap-up reflection - meeting in Rabalderstræde on Sept. 7 at 12-13.
- Frameworks change along the way. "Have been allowed to...." to change out the children, it has worked well, the project has had great respect for the house.
- Customized to the house - that's what's so great about this process.
- Goes well with the culture of the house.
- Process - Pia is just good at it!
- Right for the individual adult and then it becomes right for the children
- When one child is taken out, another child grows, children take on more/different roles along the way and there is a good and different group dynamic.
- Relationships between children are strengthened and transformed. Children gain new communities.
- Pia returns to the snip narrative - exploring immersion: What you are met with provides immersion for children: a space, clay, adults
- Immersion and flow - child in flow, in process - great contrast to how the specific child or children otherwise act.
- Ditte/educator has articulated to children: 'You look calm...' or 'it looks nice...'
- Ditte has made the room/workshop a place where you can talk about something common. Calm start, good conversations, shared calm, contemplation, a mood in the room (cf. snippet story about sensing moods in a room, in a group)
- The same has been true in the outdoor space, where immersion has been created, but also a free approach - that you can walk to and from, and this has been really good for several of the children.
- The room as the third educator
- The outdoor space can be very special, especially if children are reluctant to join in or are a bit on the periphery - it's easier outside. Inside, for example, the child/children have initially helped wash wooden boards or have been given a dry lump of clay. They may be cautious children, children who don't want to get their hands dirty.
- Children need to be brought into this slowly and gently.
- Condition - in adults and children
- The children's perspective is important to Rabalderstræde. But co-determination and influence from children, adults and artists alike.
- The senses - it pushes boundaries.
- The material, the clay, can do something. It's delicious clay, and it doesn't have to become something, it can be reshaped and transformed
- Ditte/educator highlights one of the children. V has been consistent, been there every time. Has been through a development process: playing, investigating, sharing knowledge, cultural mediator for other children to end up as a 'real artist'
- Praise for the project from parents - ex on a child with fewer meltdowns and positive child development.
- "This is not going to happen" - difficult to work with and was also what the kindergarten wanted to challenge and investigate. 'Away from the product' - some were very challenged by this. But otherwise, moving from product to process has gone really well.
- Many ways to move on if children lose interest in what they are doing, many tips/tricks for retention and immersion.
- The division 75%/25% etc. has not been so clear-cut, but it has worked well and has been articulated by Pia, who has guided educators and said 'Now I'm going to retreat a bit...'
- A prerequisite for a successful process/collaboration is also the good relationship between the daycare center's staff and the artist and respect for each other, for the house.
- High praise for Pia - and the other vej
- At each 'visit', the educator has rounded off with Pia and made notes in a notebook.
- Outdoor spaces and clay don't work in winter.
- Large plate that can be painted on with clay.