DAY OFFER: Kindergarten Kahytten

Snow story: Kindergarten Kahytten (2022)

How have you experienced the co-creation between artist/cultural educator/cultural school teacher, educators and children and possibly researcher?

Co-creation has worked well at Skipperne. The staff and the artist have complemented each other and built on each other's initiatives.

The children have been very interested, curious and open.

Parents have also been curious about the children's enthusiasm and stories at home. For example, parents have requested the songs.

There have been some children who have been a little reluctant when the artist participated, here it will be interesting to see if they are more participatory when the staff themselves have to carry out the courses.

How have children's perspectives been expressed/included?

At Skipperne, children are used to singing, clapping rhythms.

From the start, there has been a good sense of the pulse/rhythm of the Skipper kids. The older kids from the Captains were more interested in doing the same as their peers.

Skippers have reached the point where they can wait to play (need deferral).

The adults are aware of the importance of structure in the distribution of the instruments. This has a good effect.

We already work a lot with giving instructions on what they are allowed to do instead of what they are NOT allowed to do. It is a natural part of the education, the culture of the room, that the children wait for each other until everyone is ready.

-both with instruments and e.g. when handing out popcorn at birthdays. etc.

The children have gained an understanding of taking turns, delaying their own needs and waiting their turn. The frameworks with the chosen instruments have helped to give the children an education in situations with instruments that they can expect to transfer to other experiences.

The children love the instruments, especially the big drums.

The children were very interested and could easily use a repetition of the different stories.

The children's own ideas have been incorporated and used in the process.

Do the children play different games and with different people than they usually do?

The children are from the same room and are used to playing with each other, and they still do.

We see the children playing the games that have been used in the Play Art course, both inside and outside.

How do pedagogical staff act differently than they did before PlayArt?

The staff at Skipperstuen have always enjoyed using music and movement with the children.

During the LegeKunst program, they have been inspired to use and include stories and instruments in everyday life with the children.

In particular, staff have become aware of the quality and impact of using the instruments, they have learned a structure for using them.

There are new thoughts on how the staff will use the instruments in the future throughout the kindergarten.

What has it been like to work with action learning?

It has been exciting to work with action learning.

It worked well with the agendas and having a plan in place.

In the start-up phase, it seemed a bit confusing with everything that was going to happen. The calendar bingo seemed especially confusing to the pedagogical staff.

-It might be an idea to share it from the pedagogical planning in the Play Art courses in the future?

The gradual transition to placing more responsibility on the pedagogical staff was natural.

-But the percentage breakdown confuses more than it helps. We have experienced this twice with PlayArt.

For the pedagogical staff, it can be a challenge to embark on new and unfamiliar activities in the presence of unfamiliar adults. But it has worked well and dynamically despite this. -Positive development of the staff's belief in their own abilities.

In daily pedagogical practice, it can be very difficult to find the time for reflection to the extent expected in the PlayArt courses. But it makes sense to an adapted extent.

To the artist/cultural educator/cultural school teacher, if present: What have you gained from participating in LegeKunst?

Thoughts on what makes the big difference between the different groups?

It's been a great collaboration, and she's also gained new ideas and inspiration.

"There was a lot of long-term sick leave in the kindergarten, and we had to have a relocator working at the same time. Naturally, this meant that the program for the oldest group of children could not be completed.

What are educators still/now curious about?

Through the LegeKunst program, the staff has realized that it makes sense and is professionally satisfying to plan and implement programs that can be time-consuming, despite very busy workdays.

It gives them a sense of achievement when they are able to successfully complete the program with the children.

It has been agreed throughout the kindergarten that the remaining staff should come and take part in a PlayArt action. In this way, knowledge and experience can be shared.

Instruments need to be a bigger part of everyday life in the nursery. And an overall good space to store them.

Classical music can be included, they use it a bit already with quiet and calm sounds, for example at the endings.

Staff have seen the power of pop-up books and want to involve them more.

The fact that the process has taken place over such a long period of time is very effective.

New inspiration for classical music: -Lumbye "Jernbanegaloppen" and "Champagnegaloppen"

What points of attention do we need to take forward?

-Attention to the startup.

In the start-up phase, it seemed a bit confusing with everything that was going to happen. The calendar bingo seemed especially confusing to the pedagogical staff.

-It might be an idea to share it from the pedagogical planning in the Play Art courses in the future?

-The percentage breakdown.

The gradual transition to placing more responsibility on the pedagogical staff was natural.

-But the percentage breakdown confuses more than it helps. We have experienced this in two rounds with LegeKunst

-In the group with the oldest children, there has been a lot of illness among the permanent staff, and we had to manage with a relocator on top of that, so it was therefore not possible to complete the course.

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