Region: Southern Denmark
Municipality: Esbjerg
By: Bramming
Year: 2021
Artist: Pernille Nielsen
It was an eye-opener for the educators to see how differently the two groups of children approached it and what they got out of the process.
It was great for the educators to be on the sidelines and have the opportunity to observe the children in a new way. It allowed for reflection into their own practice in the present and going forward in working with adult initiated activities.
The PlayArt project did not turn out as we had imagined from the start. From the SNIP was made to the start of the project went a year. This meant that the context for the children and adults had changed significantly. The original SNIP was based on the idea of working in a creative workshop, which did not correspond to the artist assigned to the project. In collaboration with our artist, we put together a fantastic Play Art project, with a storytelling approach. The PlayArt project was a great way for the group of children to be shaken together and a common start in the new context they found themselves in.
We experienced that children were on and participating in the project and subsequently filled in their consciousness.
Going forward, we will work with the storytelling approach, as well as the way to have a storyline to work from when we are with the group and working with school preparatory projects.
Experience from LegeKunst tells us that we can advantageously divide the group into 3 rather than 2 groups. Also we will be careful to remember to catch the children's ideas along the way. We will pay attention to the good structure of having a clear framework. Ex that there is, for the children, a clear start and end. We will be mindful of alternating between being physical and listening.