REGION: Central Jutland
DAILY OFFER: Arnbjerg Børnehus
Snow story: Arnbjerg Børnehus (2021)
We at Arnbjerg Børnehus are now well underway with our project LegeKunst with music and play in everyday life.
We have focused on creating something together and preferably with music in focus.
We're about to celebrate our 1-year birthday here in Arnbjerg, and of course we want to celebrate - preferably with music, song and movement together with the youngest in the nursery. Right now it is only the kindergarten that has been part of LegeKunst, but it will of course be expanded. On June 16, we have a summer party for all children, siblings and parents, and here we will co-create with the parents. Not just show what we have learned through PlayArt, but sing and move together with the parents.
We've grown to love playing and playing new games. So every Thursday we play together. We play on everything from buckets, old water pipes, bicycle wheels, tables, logs and anything else we find. We are committed to sustainability and recycling. In the beginning, we played and danced mostly indoors, but now we've moved the music to the playground or the forest. The ceilings are higher and the sound and our singing sounds different than inside.
We alternate between adult-led singing and children's initiatives. We sing; "Give a chance - ambulance".
It has also become important for us to incorporate everything new we have learned, experienced and been challenged with into our curriculum. Our curriculum is dynamic and new things are added.
We ask each other: How can we bring more music into our everyday lives? We don't have any instruments, so how can we make music? We want to SO badly!
We want to make music both indoors and outdoors - we are a childcare center in motion and we want to shape something new together. But how do we incorporate music into our focus on movement in everyday life?
Music is not part of our curriculum - and we want it to be. We therefore need to learn new forms of expression, new knowledge and new processes so that together we can become more creative and do new activities with the children for the benefit of us all.
In Arnbjerg, one of our employees has written a song and made a melody about us. The goal is to include it, put it into play, preferably with instruments.
Educational goals:
- That we incorporate singing and music in new ways than we traditionally do. For example, singing
- We use what we have to play on e.g. buckets or we make something ourselves out of recycled materials
- We use singing, music and movement as a natural part of everyday life
- We "seize" children's initiatives when they encourage singing, music and movement
- We support children to dare to play, everyone can join in
- We create together to create a sense of community
- The big goal is co-creation, as we are a new institution. The goal of LegeKunst is also to invite parents to a summer party to sing, play and move with us
- Everyone brings something from home to play on and together we play the games we have played during our PlayArt time
Goals for the kids:
- That children dare to dare the new
- Children try to play with singing, music and movement in different ways
- Children want more, explore, play with song, music and movement
- For children to get a sense of the dynamics of music, quiet, slow, fast
- Children giving space to each other (taking turns)
- Children experience a sense of belonging through singing, music and movement
- Giving children a sense of connection and showing parents what they have done in PlayArt
- We see the children being less hesitant and jumping into the song and music. We see that the quieter children are also confident in the interaction with song and dance
- We see the children use singing, music and movement as a more spontaneous part of everyday life. For example, singing "Tail Song", spontaneous phrases when rolling, jumping and sliding
- We see the kids start to use everyday things as instruments - banging on the posts with a stick. We see them out on the playground experimenting with different objects and sometimes we hear them playing the rhythms we play together
- We see that children can follow each other when directing each other. The vast majority master this, but here we can see a difference in maturity and due to age difference. We see them becoming more and more courageous and learning from each other
- We see children who show joy when playing together and see themselves as an important part of this. We see children wanting to do this and getting something out of playing together. We are together for something completely different. Spontaneously they find it in games/songs inside and outside
- We see children and adults having fun together, laughing, goofing off and everyone pushing boundaries. We enjoy the musical community we have created
We evaluate each session after 45 minutes with each group of children.
We also evaluate during the meetings in the PlayArt process. As well as our thread on teams. This evaluation should continue in our group meetings and the learning should be written into our curriculum.
We've all been challenged - pushed some boundaries and become more courageous. We are well on our way to creating a culture in our new house. We experience flow and development both together and individually.
And we are just proud of our children and of ourselves - we made a difference together with Anders Bo and we will hold on to that pride.
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