Region: North
Municipality: Frederikshavn
By: Gærum
Year: 2021
Artist: Lars Ditlev Johansen
DAILY OFFER: Kernehuset
There have been challenges along the way. We've been hit by a long sick leave, holiday cancellations and a lot of meetings at the same time, so there have been days with Play Art when there haven't been many adults and we've felt very pressured.
It has also been difficult to "catch" the group with the youngest children, but we have found a solution to this challenge along the way.
Despite the challenges, we got a lot out of the process - both children and adults J
- In the group with the youngest children (3-4.5 years), as mentioned, it has been difficult to capture the children's joint attention. Together with Lars, we have tried it out and found that Camilla and Sanne have performed a small play for the children, which they have then performed and it has worked very well and the children have enjoyed it very much and have gone very much into their roles.
- Both children and adults learned that there can be many "Goldilocks", princes and princesses and not necessarily just one. The children have taken this into their play as well:
5 children are playing "Elsa and Anna" in our little "castle" in the living room - two of the girls are fighting over who gets to be Elsa as they both want to be. A third girl suggests that they can both be - there were 4 "Goldilocks" in the play...! J
- In the group with the oldest children, storytelling has gone really well and they have really taken to it.
- The group has worked with both well-known fairy tales and free imagination.
- There has been a lot of work on their "heart animals - they have all drawn their heart animals, told about them and the pictures are now on display in the living room. In addition, Helle has made a "storytelling cave", where imaginary stories have been told about the movements of the heart animals at night.
- Marianne has made a small puppet show with the group.
After Lars has stopped with us, we have continued to work with theatre and puppet theatre in the group with the youngest children and storytelling in the group with the oldest children and Lars came the last time on May 22 and saw what we had done:
- The group of youngest children watched the "Princess and the Pea" puppet show and took turns performing afterwards with great success - the "pea" (a large green wooden bead) is still used in play 😊
- Afterwards, the children use "theatre play" a lot - they line up chairs for the audience, make a scene with what is available and act out the play for each other.
- The group with the oldest children did storytelling.
- They still use the concept of taking turns to build on stories in their play both inside and outside: one day a group of children were sitting in the "forest" and made up a funny story about some trolls and when you are in the room they often ask if we should tell stories together.
Yours sincerely
Sanne Larsen, Pedagogical responsible, Kernehuset