Storytelling, performance, drama, theater, play, co-creation
MUNICIPALITY: Frederikshavn
DAILY OFFER: Brolæggervej
At Brolæggervej we have had an exciting and cozy, interesting course ... all the oldest children mixed across the two departments. It has been very rewarding for us 2 educators and not least the children that we have had an outside actor in the process. Lars quickly gained "hero status" in the children's universe. They have looked forward to and talked a lot about his visit during the week. We created a framework so that the children could be responsive and be inspired by our story ideas.
From the educators' point of view we have always had a tradition of storytelling and imagination. But with the program we have gained inspiration for methods, tools, holding children's attention and not least to say "yes" when the children have had input to the story - to follow the children's tracks and let the story take a turn. We have also been inspired to use our nature, the outdoor space and the tools the forest around us automatically provides. The last 4 Wednesdays we spent out in the forest and got to know the universe of the elves, the little people and the animals. We got help to work with a gnome theater performance, the oldest children were to make for the other children, as the end of the project. Unfortunately, it was corona canceled, but the process was good!
From the children's point of view, they have the following input to the process:
Laurits: It was fun that we played that game. where we had to be the very evil elves who took all the Christmas presents - and then Santa Claus with a big axe (and that was me) And then I also had some reindeer ... and that was you Valdemar. It was also quite funny when Lars was a baby polar bear.
Valdemar: It was fun when we played that we traveled to Germany with the EL cow.
Rosa and Alberte: It was fun to tell stories with Lars - mostly the story with the elves in the forest. We also danced around the Christmas tree. Lars was so funny, funnier than the other adults.
Malthe: Lars told funny stories ... and we played with Lars. It was a good story where we had to dream.
Subsequently, we don't see much change in our daily life. The children still talk about the time Lars was here and can remember many of the stories they participated in. They still play the same games and use our outdoor space as inspiration. The adults will continue to practice storytelling with the children, challenge the child's imagination, the child's independent thinking and challenge ourselves to follow the child's lead. We remain conscious of including all of this in the activities and projects we have throughout the year.
The choice of Lars as an actor for play art at Brolæggervej was not a choice that was right up our alley, but we have at no time regretted the choice. I experienced that the staff who participated were brave and put themselves into play, even if it was outside their comfort zone. It was important for us that the playfulness project should not end up in a finished product. We had to play to play and nobody knew what was going to happen when we had play art. Everyone enjoyed being in the moment.
Head of Department
Vibeke Skovsgaard Thomsen
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