DAILY OFFER: Kindergarten Skallerupvej
Snout story: Kindergarten Skallerupvej (2022)
The children are happy with "Play Art Fertilizer" and being with the artist. They are very interested in the activities he presents them with. They have learned new techniques and methods and have used their imagination to be creative in ways they haven't tried before.
We have documented the process each time in the form of pictures, statements from the children and exhibited the finished product - so both the children and parents can see what has been worked on. Together with an adult, the children have communicated the art to the parents.
We find that the group of children who participate in "Play Art Fertilizer" pass on what they have learned to the other children in the kindergarten. For example, they can explain what happens if you mix two colors and show how to make watercolors work.
The children talk about it at home and we see them helping "the others" with what they know from the course with the artist. He is a skilled teacher, calm and good at explaining. He is good at taking the initiative and the children ask for him. We have learned a lot and the processes have been very important. We have learned that the children quickly lose interest if they need a lot of help. Another important thing we have learned is that there should be no waiting time to use scissors, glue sticks or the like. There should be enough tools so that the children can stay in their flow.
We have been working with sculpture. Tape was used and the children each got their own. Instead of building a sculpture, we ended up spending the "hour" with the children practicing cutting and tearing the tape. It was also a good process and the next time the children were ready for the sculpture work.
We think it's a really exciting and rewarding research project for both children and adults.