DAILY OFFER: Kindergarten Blæksprutten

Snout story: Kindergarten Blæksprutten (2022)

The whole process has been very rewarding for us.

We use the tools that the musician has taught us, but we're still just learning. The preparation is great when you are the one who will be in charge of the "assembly". There is a lot to prepare and it can be difficult to assess the schedule of what has been prepared. It is also an exercise in itself to maintain concentration in the group of children. You cannot stand alone with a large group of children, so it is important that a colleague can take over when conflicts arise. It is good to be able to concentrate and that one or two children do not interrupt what we are doing.

We have learned that it is important to work with something you like. The person we are should be used. Whether a gathering lasts 10 or 30 minutes doesn't matter - what matters is that you get it done. One song or game is better than none. Song games are also used spontaneously in the playground.

Both educators have enjoyed and felt that the feedback they received from the musician benefited them the next time they were in charge of the assembly time and they have been able to innovate.

It's easier to change course in response to the situation when you have a plan.

The parents are very happy that we are participating in the project and say that they and their children are very lucky. It is sprouting around the house and we have used iPads as a tool for documentation. We have put up photos of the current songs and on a TV screen the parents can see and hear the singing games. The parents now know the songs and more singing takes place at home, they say.

This project has planted seeds with us. We are going to start with the pedagogical curriculum/year plan and in this connection we will plan the "Song of the Month". Everyone in the institution will learn it and we will develop rituals for when we sing.

In connection with the song, we will initiate activities that are in line with the content of the song.